Sunday, April 26, 2009

Marilyn Burns and More

One of the highlights of the NCTM Meeting for me was the presentation by Marilyn Burns on the topic of "Using Assessment to Guide Grades K-6 Mathematics Instruction: A Focus on Number and Operations." I have long used books by Marilyn Burns as a resource for my math teaching. She is a wonderful presenter, engaging with a warm sense of humor. Yes, she did use Powerpoint, which she noted was a recent change for her. But it was an outline which she fleshed out in her talk. She also incorporated some engaging video of the kind of assessment she was talking about. I particularly enjoyed seeing her use an assessment that I have used before, taking it from one of her books. Seeing the questions she asked, the way she encouraged the student to verbalize her thinking and reassured the student that the information would help Marlilyn be a better teacher, was quite helpful. All in all an inspriring, productive hour.

Later in the day I attended a session with a colleague of Marilyn Burns at Math Solutions, Lisa Rogers. She was addressing the development of number sense with primary students. By modelling some of the strategies she suggested and drawing in the audience with questions, she kept me alert and involved even though her session was late in the afternoon.
I also enjoyed a presentation on Singapore math, which is creating a buzz right now in this country. A lot of what was presented to us described a central focus on problem solving, the importance of helping students visualize math, and the laying of a foundation with informal experiences before introducing formal treatments. It is also a spiral curriculum that comes back around and revisits and reenforces topics. Other presentations I attended explored the development of algebraic thinking and the development of an understanding of base 10.

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