Sunday, January 25, 2009

S'marvelous S'math

We include activities in our curriculum that we call S'math because they use science and math together. One source for ideas is AIMS Education Foundation ( AIMS stands for Activities Integrating Math & Science. We also draw on other sources to "cook" up our plans, drawing in any themes we are pursuing as well as student interests.

This year our whole Lower School theme is "Way to Grow." Some of our early S'math activities focused on plants, using our Sky Class garden at times. We are also studying the human body and learning about its systems and parts. One activity focused on the skeleton as we explored bones and joints. More recently we did an activity (drawn from Marilyn Burns) in which students were asked to estimate how many times a strings equal to their heights would go around their heads at the forehead. We then went on to explore other body ratios (How does your height relate to your wingspan? How does your height relate to the length of your leg?)