Monday, December 8, 2008

Who Knows How the Time Goes?

Telling Time is a usual topic for kids this age. Over the years, as digital clocks have become more common and analog clocks have become rarer, I've had to give thought to how much emphasis to put on telling time with an analog clock. While a digital clock is easier to "read," an analog clock, to my mind, gives a clearer sense of the passage of time and fractions of an hour. So while some of my students report that they do not have even one analog clock at home, I continue to spend some time on working with analog clocks. We use mini instructional clocks so that each student has one and can move the hands as we try to both set certain times and read times from the clock. I think one reason learning to read an analog clock is challenging for some students is that the numbers mean different things depending on whether you are looking at the hour hand or the minute hand. For concrete thinking seven and eight year olds, this can take some getting used to.

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