Monday, September 22, 2008

Math Riddles

Today I did one of my favorite Marilyn Burns activities: Riddles with Color Tiles. I use frog counters which have the same colors as the tiles. We started with a riddle I had prepared, showing them a paper bag in which I had put some frogs. They worked with partners determined by drawing cubes out of a box. I gave out the clues one at a time, having the partners talking together and agreeing on a guess to display. By the end every group had correctly guessed what was in the bag (4 blue and 2 red frogs.) Now came the more challenging part. Each group was to choose some frog counters (10 or less and no more than 2 colors) to put in a bag. Then they had to write a series of clues that would by the end reveal what was in the bag. It was fascinating to watch the partners work. Some needed reminders to include their partners in the work. Others settled right down and cooperated well.

Next time we will test out the riddles to see if they work!

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