Sunday, April 26, 2009

NCTM Meeting in Washington, DC

Pictures: Entrance to the NCTM Meeting Exhibits, Convention Center displays

I've recently returned from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. I had thought I might be able to blog from the conference but ran into a couple of problems. The first was the limited free internet connectivity available to me, and the cost of the paid connectivity that was offered. As a result, blogging during the sessions did not work. The second problem was I had little time between sessions, as I tried to pack in as much as I could.

So here's my post today. It was a great conference. I had several sessions that were exciting, informative, and stimulating. Several more were interesting and gave me food for thought. A few were rather dull. When will people realize that simply showing a Powerpoint presentation (without pictures or video) and reading it to us with a little extra explanation does not make for an interesting session?

Fortunately most presentations had more zip, including an engaging delivery, thoughtfully posed questions, and for some, audience participation. Another post will detail some of the better sessions that I attended.

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