Monday was our 100th day of school. We had a fun morning doing a variety of activities centered on the number 100. The kids always love making 100 day Trail Mix. They get to choose 10 different items (from a selection of dried fruit, bite-sized cereal and crackers, seeds, & chocolate chips) and get 10 of each item. They line their choices up on a hundreds chart then slip it into a bag to munch on. Another favorite is the 100 pig hunt. While one teacher reads
Pigs in Hiding, the others hide 100 numbered paper pigs around the main part of the classroom. Excitement ensues as the children try to find all the pigs. As they are found, their numbers are turned around on a hundreds pocket chart. We are now down to about 8 unfound pigs. Some years the last ones don't turn up until end of year cleanup!
Every student had a collection of 100 items to put on display. They all arranged their collections along with a written description. River Class came to visit, and we had a chance to view our classmates collections. It was a wide variety that included collections of shells, rocks, Hershey's kisses, drawings of flowers, pictures created in Photoshop, legos, coins, etc. Students did 100 foot relays, played games with a hundreds chart, colored 100 hearts and 100 stars, worked to write 100 words, and strung necklaces of 100 beads. We are still working on filling a chart with 100 equations that equal 100.
Pictures: Upper left: making 100 item trail mix Upper right: game with the 100 chart
Lower left: a building for 100 frog counters